Hardware Solutions
Thanks to our high level partnerships with the industry's leading reliable hardware manufacturers, VData BiliÅŸim always follows the technology one step ahead and provides companies with high standard, safe, performance and long-lasting hardware solutions.
Hardware products used in all areas of the informatics world are in a constant update and renewal both in line with the increase in performance, security and scalability needs and as a result of the rapid development of applications. The product range is increasing rapidly so that the products can meet every need. Alternative products addressing a specific solution, even of the same brand, are on the agenda, models can address different needs with various sub-breakouts, and forward-looking variable plans can be made with high scalability levels. In the hardware world where there is such a diversity, deep product, solution and brand knowledge is required to make the right decisions at the point of product selection.
As vData BiliÅŸim, we model the alternatives with the most effective comparison methods by presenting the hardware solutions that meet the needs of the institutions in the most accurate way regardless of the brand. We provide hardware consultancy so that organizations can focus on their core business and save time and costs.