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Network Solutions

Local Area Networks (LAN)


Local networks were created by experts to meet the need for multiple computers to communicate with each other. It has been developed over time and has developed rapidly from the first local network applications to this day.


Security and management needs are increasing day by day and it is inevitable for local networks to be manageable and smart. Having all the competence and experience required to meet the needs of institutions in this direction, vData BiliÅŸim has realized many successful projects in this field by working with the leading brands of the industry. Many Access, Distribution and Backbone structures are designed and installed by an expert team of engineers in line with the needs of the institutions.


With the use of different IT systems, there has been a need to divide networks into logical groups due to a number of reasons such as the growth of networks, the fact that these systems are not affected by each other, ease of traffic management and security. vData provides the convenience of traffic management of communication between IT systems by creating virtual local networks on smart switch systems.

Wide Area Networks (WAN)


Wide network solutions were needed as a result of the institutions operating in different geographical areas and the need for data communication between these locations.


The wide area network is a large physical or logically designed network that allows multiple devices to communicate with each other. They reach a wide spread by enabling local networks to connect. Wide area networks are used to connect LANs and other types of networks so that users and computers in one space can communicate with users and computers in another space. Many WANs are set up for a single organization and are private. Other WANs installed by Internet Service Providers provide connection to the Internet from an organization's LAN.


As a result of the rapid development of technology, the use of wide area networks has increased significantly and the type of technology used has changed.


In addition, in order to increase the quality of the transfer between the locations on the WAN connection lines and to reduce the data traffic load of the line, the most ideal wide area network connection services are provided to the institutions with wan optimization systems.


vData BiliÅŸim uses Wan Optimization solutions provided by leading manufacturers to accelerate the file, e-mail, storage and corporate applications of institutions, and provides high level functionality for technologies such as web, video and cloud that require high and uninterrupted data transfer. Thus, it offers a unique user experience in internet roaming.


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